We are a team of professional Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Behavioural Practitioners, Counselors and Teachers who enjoy creating resources to support children and young people to build confidence, resilience and ensure optimal learning. We are motivated by passion to create educational and therapeutic resources which are evidence-based, creative, innovative and flexible.
We are a team of professional Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Behavioural Practitioners, Counselors and Teachers who enjoy creating resources to support children and young people to build confidence, resilience and ensure optimal learning. We are motivated by passion to create educational and therapeutic resources which are evidence-based, creative, innovative and flexible.
This Occupational Therapy tip sheet handout is great for parents and teachers to understand why some children benefit from keeping their hands busy. There are many benefits of keeping hands and fingers moving including self-regulation. This tip sheet also includes a variety of ideas the implement within home and school environment.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
This Social Story supports children who have behavioural difficulties to understand anger and provide alternative coping strategies and supports with visual and written cues. This social story includes targeting specific behaviour such as hitting, kicking and throwing)
“When Someone is Angry” social story explores the feeling of anger and how difficult it can be to tell when someone is angry. Social Stories can be particularly helpful for students in need of special education (ESE) with a diagnosis of autism, behavioural disorders (like ADHD or ODD) and other special needs including intellectual disability.
A social story is a great addition to any social skill lessons as they help to support a child to make appropriate emotional choices instead of acting out reactively to anger.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
“Who is a Stranger” social story explores the following:
What is a stranger
What to do if you meet a stranger
Why it is not safe to talk to strangers
What is a safe stranger
What happens at home and a stranger rings the door bell
Visual circle for “individual – me”, “family/friends” and “new people”
Stranger Danger Social Story - Great resource supplemented by visuals to support children with Autism understand community safety.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
Social stories are written to share meaningful and accurate information to define, describe and explain accurate information in a meaningful way to enhance the students social understanding.
Social stories are great for increasing a students understanding of socially appropriate behaviours and interactions.
This social story explores the concept of waiting. Being able to wait is a pro-social behaviour which is a fundamental life skill. Learning to wait enables the individual to cultivate and maintain friendships. This social story lays the foundation of understanding of this concept and includes practical examples that the student can relate to.
Visual supports are included to enhance the students understanding of the written word.
To supplement this social story remember that you can support your students or child to learn to share by giving them plenty of time and opportunities to practice. Praise and encouragement for good sharing will reinforce this concept.
The last page includes some reflective questions as an extension activity after reading through the social story.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
Esta mini lección explora y ayuda a los estudiantes a reflexionar sobre las opciones verdes y rojas, así como sus consecuencias posteriores.
Esta mini lección explora:
¿Cuáles son las opciones de rojo y verde?
Actividad de reflexión: ¿Cuáles son las buenas y las malas elecciones que han hecho los estudiantes?
Ejemplo de opciones de verde y rojo (apoyos visuales)
Narrativas simplificadas (es decir, las opciones verdes son BUENAS opciones y las rojas son opciones MALAS.
Explora la responsabilidad y la rendición de cuentas (todos los días todos tenemos que tomar decisiones. Las decisiones conducen a consecuencias, ya sean buenas o malas).
Observar las consecuencias mediante la exploración de comportamientos, sentimientos (cómo el comportamiento les impactó a ellos mismos y a los demás), así como las consecuencias posteriores (buenas o malas).
Aprender de la experiencia y cambiar patrones de comportamiento.
Explorandosituaciones y los opuestos de lasopcionesverde / rojo.
This mini lesson explores and helps students reflect on green and red choices, as well as their subsequent consequences. This mini-lesson explores:
What are red and green choices?
Reflection Activity – What are good choices and poor choices that students have made
Example of green and red choices (visual supports)
Simplified narratives (i.e.: green choices are GOOD choices and red choices are POOR choices.
Explores responsibility and accountability (everyday we all have choices to make. Choices lead to consequences – whether good or bad.)
Looking at the consequences by exploring Behaviours, Feelings (how the behaviour impacted themselves and others) as well as subsequent consequences (good or bad).
Learning from the experience and changing behavioural patterns.
Exploring situations and the opposites of green/red choices.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
This is a 16 page social story which has been developed to support students who have difficulty with changes (both expected and unexpected changes). This social story aims to build understanding of changes and teaches about coping strategies that can help.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
There are times when children will often engage in behaviours such as tantrums, whining and whingeing, saying “No” and throwing items that are disruptive. It’s important to think about the purpose of this behaviour and whether the behaviour is accidently being rewarded or reinforced by what you do post behaviour. In the interim however, until you are able to determine the function of the behaviour the following strategies may provide some guidelines for you to implement.
This resource can be used by parents, teacher, carers to explore various preventative and response strategies to manage disruptive behaviour from young children. These strategies may aid in the development of a positive Behavioural Support Plan or simply to create a more engaging and proactive response to these behavioural concerns.
This 14 page resource includes:
Possible reasons for tantrums or misbehavior (functions of behaviour)
Behavioural Strategies
Interaction Guidelines
Behavioural Flowchart
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
This resource includes 65 Move It Brain Break Cards in a Jar for little learners. These “Move it” Brain Break Cards encourage students to have a designated break to support students to stay focused and attentive. They are an important part of learning encouraging students to reset and refocus.
Simple put each of the cards in a Jar and utilize them as you wish! These are colourful and engaging cards and are versatile! Simply laminate, cut and you can use this resource over and over for years to come!
Please check out some of our BEST SELLERS! Remember – Please follow our STORE! Thank you.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
These Feeling Play Dough mats are versatile and perfect for exploring a lot of different feelings and emotions. Each task card includes a blank face which includes a variety of male and female style faces. Students are encouraged to create different facial expressions utilizing play dough to create the facial expressions for each one.
Note – These are versatile mats and can be used in many ways! For example, we have used pom poms, other art and craft materials as well as white board markers to create the facial expressions.
This activity often leads to open reflective conversations to support students to develop emotional literacy and insight around their feelings and emotions.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
These task cards explores includes visual supports and covers basic concept development for negation practice. This is a perfect no-prep resource for use within speech therapy programs, school counselor focused groups and life skill development programs. This resource includes negation questions with the following themes:
This is a great resource for early learners which includes Pre-k, Kindergarten (Prep) and special education.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
This workbook helps students by educating about fire safety prevention and procedures. Learning to keep safe in the event of a fire is an important life lesson. This is a great addition to use during Fire Safety Week.
The following workbook explores and includes the following:
Who are fire fighters?
Social Story Script
Fire Safety Important Reminders
What is a Fire Safety Plan?
-Fire Safety Drill and Fire Safety Drill Posters
Emergency numbers and practice calling for help scripting
-Household Roll Calls
What to do in the event of a fire
What to do if your clothes catch fire
All About Fire Safety Week
This workbook also includes a number of CREATIVE ACTIVIIES:
Community Helper Reading Comprehension and multiple choice
Label the firefighter
Develop a fire safety plan
Multiple choice task cards
Vocabulary cards (with visual supports)
Find a word
Colour in pages
Finish the sentences
Sorting activities – what you should do or not do
Fire song
A Fire Safety Award is included at the end of the Workbook
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
These fun and engaging task cards are a fun way to build fine motor and visual co-ordination skills. Students are encouraged to use playdough to make the summer theme play dough pictures. There are a few blank task cards so that students can create their own play dough masterpiece.
This is a great resource for early learners which includes Pre-k, Kindergarten (Prep) and special education.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
Use a whiteboard marker or your finger to follow the pathways from one end to the other. Fun and engaging way to build fine motor and visual co-ordination skills.
This is a great resource for early learners which includes Pre-k, Kindergarten (Prep) and special education.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
This is a great way to introduce alphabet letters in a fun and engaging way. Students are encouraged to use the task cards as a template to create alphabet letters with snap cubes.
This is a great resource for early learners which includes Pre-k, Kindergarten (Prep) and special education.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
This is a great way to introduce alphabet letters. These cards include both the uppercase and lowercase letters. Students are encouraged to match the letter and use pegs to identify which is the matching letter.
This is a great resource for early learners which includes Pre-k, Kindergarten (Prep) and special education.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
These fun and engaging task cards are a fun way to learn number recognition from 0 - 20.
This is a great resource for early learners which includes Pre-k, Kindergarten (Prep) and special education.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
These are colourful, fun and engaging visual supported task cards designed to support students understanding and comprehension of basic everyday knowledge and facts.
Students are encouraged to use clothes pegs to identify the right answer. An alternative can be to use a white board marker or simply point. These cards are great for young learners including preschool, kindergarten, students with autism and special education needs. Print and laminate these cards and you will be able to use them for years to come!
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
These are colourful, fun and engaging visual supported task cards designed to support students to work on the skill of determining more or less. Students are encouraged to count the group of objects to find out which one has more or less. These are perfect for visual learners.
There are two sets included. One set is visuals only (54 cards) and a second set (54 cards) has the visual as well as the number of items to help support students.
Students can use clothes pegs to identify the right answer or simply point to the right answer. These cards are great for young learners including preschool, kindergarten, students with autism and special education needs. Print and laminate these cards and you will be able to use them for years to come!
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
This is a fun activity which can help students to learn beginning sounds and alphabet letters. Bingo is a fun game that anyone can play and everyone loves!
There are over 40 different mats for larger classes and there are visual cards for every letter of the alphabet.
This package includes everything that you need – just simply print!
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.
This Social Narrative supports children by exploring and reinforcing the value of good manners and how they can be demonstrated in their day to day life.
This Social Narrative is highly visual with colourful and engaging visuals to support information retention and understanding.
This Social Narrative explores the following:
Manners are Important
Manners Keep Friends
I Share
I show that I Care
I Take Turns
I Help Others
I Wait in Line
I say “Please“ and “Thank You”
I say “Sorry”
I Listen
I keep my hands to myself
I raise my hand
I focus on my work
I don’t Gossip
I don’t hurt others
I use my Inside Voice
I cover my mouth when I chew and Yawn
I Open Doors
I put my Rubbish in the Bin
My Promise Pledge
Includes two posters - Good and Bad Manners.
All Therapy Resources pride ourselves on creating therapeutic, behavioural and educational resources that we use in-house within our own practice. This means that our resources are tried and tested by a team of Allied Health professionals - Counsellors, Occupational and Speech Therapists, Behaviour Practitioners, Play Therapists and Psychologists - so we know they work!
Because we are fortunate to have such a wonderful and diverse range of clients, our resources cover a broad spectrum of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics. These include resources on Impulse Control, Anger Management, Anxiety, Mental Health and psychotherapy treatment, DBT and CBT interventions, Social and Friendship Skills , Conflict Management, SPED, Individual and Group Curriculums, Executive Functioning, Classroom Management, Career Exploration, Counselling Documentation and even Professional Development. We want to see everyone thrive, and our resources can help ensure that you can too.